Norwegian Language

The Norwegian language is a central subject for teaching Norwegian cultural heritage and communication. Through active use of the language, children and young people are included in cultural and social life, and equipped for participation in working life and the democratic processes. The class focuses on grammar, oral and written genres, learning strategies and national history. The Norwegian language has its place in the Norwegian history, and the class gives students an understanding of the society they are a part of.


The purpose of elementary school mathematics is to provide the students with a set of basic mathematical skills and a good understanding of numbers. The class should provide the necessary skills needed by society and individuals, in daily life and in working life.

Social Studies

The essence of this class is to teach students about democratic principles like equality, human rights, dignity and respect. It also promotes the knowledge of history and society, and encourages critical and reflective thinking.

Christianity Religion Philosophies of life and Ethics (Religion)

Knowledge of religions and philosophies of life is important to understanding human existence, culture and way of life. The purpose of this class is to objectively teach children about religions, philosophies and ways of living to cultivate an understanding and tolerance for different cultures within one's own society and in societies around the world. The Christian faith and its traditions are also a part of the Norwegian and European culture and history, and the class provides insight into the impact it has had on our society.